“Corona-Daze” A Pandemic’s Journal.13

3 min readJul 22, 2020


We’ll pick up on last week’s article, with a few pieces of information either found, supplied by friends, readers or the US President.

This week President Trump wore a mask while visiting a hospital. “many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can’t socially distance. There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President!” This is an exact quote. Various channels then reported that he recommended wearing a mask, yet, that’s not precisely what he said.

And this move of masking has confused people. He has not worn one until now. What changed? Q folks will tell you it’s a chess move. Two friends of mine, who are required to wear masks at work, spent ten minutes showing me evidence of how they don’t work. They mentioned how the President now seems to be advocating them, which frustrates them. One of these women would not return to work at first, in March, out of fear of contagion. She has completely turned around. These women deal with the public every single day, and they feel this mask requirement is a folly. They see the masks as intrusive, adding to their stress, and an effort at control rather than health maintenance.

There are three counties in the USA, two in Florida and one in Maryland that have mandated indoor mask wearing 24/7. This was as of yesterday, and the orders each specify keeping a mask on while in your own home. In what appears to be an un-enforceable control/fear tactic, this is unprecedented and, if you check out the research linked below, unhelpful.

A friend who is also a reader supplied the photo accompanying this article. It is from a Mask Box sold in Europe. He is from Luxembourg in Western Europe where masks are required in stores, public transport and enclosed public spaces. He’s done a great deal of research on the truth about wearing a mask. It may just change your mind, and is included below. Thanks Djon!

This article will be short today, to give you time to read this paper. It is entitled: “Masks don’t work.” It is verifiable and uses multiple scientific research studies to support that title. It is actual scientific data and a breath of fresh air on the subject.

Here’s a video demonstration of the oxygen level/Co2 level in masks. (Click here)

Here’s an article about why we’ve been told to wear them in the first place. (click here)

And finally, from my website, here’s a post just completed this week. It includes some interesting data I researched about the wearing of masks, or not. (click here for “unmasked”)

I’m going to see one of my children tomorrow and I can’t wait! It will be the first time in almost 6 months. We will be outside most of the time at his request. Some of us will be wearing masks. I won’t be. I’ve mentioned before that I fit into the category of people who are more likely to die of injuries caused by a virus such as this one. It is for that reason that I inhale cups full of immune system supporting supplements daily, drink water and Chaga Mushroom tea, and exercise. I spend time outdoors. I do not intend to die of stupidity and have spent the better part of a week researching, once again, what will keep me from doing just that when it comes to this Pandemic. Masks just don’t make the cut.

Please remain open minded and look deeply into any mandates concerning your well-being. As our leadership tosses and turns with the tide of their personal political stream, this one is on us. I believe in you. I believe in us. I believe in love.





Written by Sophia

I write books, blogs, and occasional videos about self-love, sovereignty, off-world contact, truth, life, death & sometimes cats. https://www.sophialove.org/

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