“Corona-Daze” A Pandemic’s Journal.9

5 min readJun 18, 2020


So, another week passes, and we now head full steam into some major planetary/celestial events, happening this weekend. There is the Solstice on the 20th, a Solar Eclipse on the 21st, and the first campaign rally for the re-election of President Trump (since the Pandemic), also on the 20th. These are powerful “coincidences”.

It is being reported that near to a million tickets have been requested for this rally in Tulsa Oklahoma. One million Americans. Without fact checking, this sounds unprecedented. We are a people yearning for something to stand behind. Something to believe in. Something to trust. Apparently, there are at least a million of us who believe that President Trump fills that ticket.

This is a journal brought to life through the Pandemic. Its focus rambles, as this year does. So, today it will venture into uncharted waters and we’ll see where we come ashore. It will start in a quiet place, far away from social media.

There are things that are true and real and don’t require social media. I have a few older friends (and some younger) who do not go there. Do not have a Facebook page or Twitter account or Instagram page. They still know what is happening in the world. It is, perhaps, a biased knowing according to which newspapers they read and news channels they watch, but they are aware.

These friends whom I refer to, voted for the current President in 2016. They told me that at the time they felt they wanted a non-politician in office, and they did not want Hillary Clinton, even though these were women. They called her a criminal. At the time they did not tell many people who they had voted for. Today though, after almost 4 years of constant mainstream media, these women, without social media accounts, tell a different story. They dislike the President and most likely won’t vote for him. What happened?

It is the mainstream media that happened. It is the money controlling that media that happened, along with the players who hold the money and all the cards. They ruin everything, and have been doing so for a very long time. The point here is that if you think that by staying away from social media you are somehow saved from bias and are able then to form a reasoned opinion based on facts, you are apparently mistaken.

Those one million Trump rally attendees disagree with my friends, and the players with the all the cards. They probably mostly have social media accounts and are therefore biased in another direction. They may even have red MAGA hats. Not all of them voted for President Trump in 2016. Yet they will be this year. What happened?

It is the mainstream media that happened. There is a secret to success that mainstream media and the party they seem to largely promote right now, do not understand. It is positive reinforcement, candid reporting of truth and accurate portrayals of events. It is the word “Yes”. It is promotion rather than breakdown. It is as Mother Theresa said once, and I paraphrase “I will not attend an anti-war rally. Hold a peace rally and I’ll be there.” The effectiveness of being for something is light years greater than being against something.

There is a difference between journalism and opinion that has been blurred, if not erased. It has been smeared by motivation. Much of what we all see and read and listen to today is offered as a reaction to something that was a response to something that was staged or scripted for votes or likes or views or shares. All of this hailed as “news”. It is only actual news if it is factual. The stuff poured out of the most well-known outlets today is propaganda. Pure and simple. Much of it engineered to do exactly what it is doing, and that is weaken the infrastructure and divide the people.

The answers we are seeking are still diffused within a world of illusion and play acting and staged events. None of us can really be sure that what we read, hear or see holds truth. Yet we can judge what is to our benefit. Most of us, as is evidenced by the almost 1 million Americans heading to Memphis this coming Saturday, will gravitate towards someone or something that feels good, rather than divisive. It is not a simplistic response to do so. It is a human response to do so. We want to feel part of something, not against something. We ache to belong. We yearn for contact with like-minded people. We want to feel good for an afternoon.

To be clear, this is not a campaign article promoting Trump. I am a registered Democrat, (which I’ve been thinking about a lot these last few years). I did not vote Republican in 2016. This is, instead, a recognition of the fact that we are all being played and it has led to major disrepair in the USA. There is no reasoned response available to us uncolored in rhetoric. So, we will seek higher ground. We will seek something that comforts us. We may sacrifice our intuitive senses for that comfort, but this is an extraordinary year and we are under massive pressure.

At this point in our collective minds we would like to unite and create. If this man, President Trump, can inspire that feeling for a million people this Saturday, I doubt he will be defeated in 5 months. Regardless of money or players or manipulation, we’ll move towards someone who helps generate hope.

There are a few things noticed. They feel valuable and necessary to mention. They are “where the rubber meets the road” sorts of things; moments of truth. They decide everything. Your most powerful organ is your heart. What remains after a fire and a swarm and a plague and a riot and a protest and a difference of opinion is your heart. Its force drives you on and motivates you out of your slumber. It carries you to your frightened child’s bedside at 3AM with comfort and soothing, it enlivens your days with ideas for celebration and lovemaking, it instills your actions with compassion, it emboldens your ideas with inspiration for global or local assistance. Regardless of what is read or heard or seen, your heart rules. This is the writer of the next story. Even if you are the only one who knows the ending, it is a true one.

The one thing to have faith in is your heart’s ability to discern truth, and to identify freedom. So, statues can be torn down, but what can’t be erased is internal knowing. It feels largely symbolic that public historical markers are systematically being destroyed; symbolizing a call to look ahead. The past is over and now its end point violently marked. Time to look ahead. Since most of what we read and hear and see can’t be trusted, we will have to trust ourselves. That’s the safest bet ever.

I believe in you. I believe in us. I believe in love.





Written by Sophia

I write books, blogs, and occasional videos about self-love, sovereignty, off-world contact, truth, life, death & sometimes cats. https://www.sophialove.org/

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