Part of the reason for these articles is to share what we had**, what we learned together and to offer insight into what is possible here, on planet Earth.

As “out there” as we were, we were pretty typical American parents. What our life ended up with could be found anywhere and by anyone. In hindsight, though, to discover what we did, you’d have to be willing to look in some unusual and/or dark places. Both of us were.

That is most likely because we’d both experienced darkness and abuse as children. There wasn’t much that we weren’t able to contemplate.

There is commonly a history of abuse and/or hardship among light workers, light warriors, star seeds, and travelers. At least it seems that way.

We didn’t know any of this at the beginning. Back then, it was all passion, excitement, and the non-stop life of raising a growing family of four sons. Surplus time to contemplate anything was nowhere to be found.

What seems to be missing from our collective stories of “woo-woo”, prophecy, and “magic” is the day-to-day life that had to be a part of it. None of that stuff was considered important enough to record. When you think of Nostradamus, or your favorite prophet or seer, do you imagine him or her at the grocery store? Or fixing a toilet? Or worrying about money?

I’m not implying that our insights were on par with Nostradamus, but hopefully, you get the point. The people who lived these lives become mystical and unreachable humans. That has always bothered me. I think our day-to-day is the glue. It makes things real, possible, and, at least potentially, true.

Once, DH stopped a snarling, drooling, aggressive dog with his mind. The dog in this case ended up curled into a whimpering, shivering, crouched circle. He didn’t touch the dog or raise his voice to it. This happened more than once and with different animals. He held his hand out, palm up and facing the animal, to direct the energy.

He also had his coat torn up by our dog, who was angry with him at the time. Both things happened to the same man. The fact that one is accepted as possible, and the other isn’t, is part of why so many of us don’t believe in certain things. Life with DH included the mundane and the fantastic; both on a regular basis. Yet, to see all of it you had to accept that it was real, or at least possible.

Do you remember the story about Columbus’s ships? How Native Americans couldn’t see them at first because they were beyond their imagining? I first heard it in the movie “What the Bleep?” back in 2004. Whether true or myth, it explains a human tendency that we now label “cognitive dissonance”.

So, this series will attempt to share the fantastic as well as the ordinary parts of our life together. Imho, both contain the miraculous and are equally worthy. Most of it I witnessed, but not all. I’ll let you know the difference.

DH served in the military as a drummer. This was long before I knew him. There was a decade of years between us. He told me that the day he received the notice of a delay in his discharge date, he was furious and reacted instantly with anger. He was in the mess hall. He reached his fist up to the ceiling and yelled. At that precise moment, the ceiling cracked. It cracked right where he had pointed his fist.

From then on, he was almost afraid of his power. It was as if he didn’t trust that he could control it. I believe this was part of the reason that he initially thought his channeling was not reliable.

Once DH listened to what he had been saying while he was in a trance, he accepted that it was not a bad thing. Yet, when he left his body, he also left the area. At first, he had no recall of where he went when he left. Then someone suggested that he stick around.

So, he did. His first impression of what was happening was wild. Remember, our group was trying to figure out how to create only what we desired. Our questions were often centered around problems with our relationships, bodies, or money.

He described the scene this way…

“I’m watching these huge, brilliant, beautiful light beings hanging out. Like stars, only enormous and up close. Like a gathering of supernovas.”

“When one of you asks a question, I know who is asking because their light pulsates. I can’t put into words how magnificent you all look.”

“What’s being asked or explained sounds trivial in comparison.”

“Things like “He hurt my feelings”, or “My shoulder hurts”.”

“If only you could see yourselves, you’d have no doubts, questions, or problems. But you don’t.”

Even with the view that he was privy to, DH had plenty of “trivial” sounding questions. These went on for the rest of our lives together, long after our Creation Group ended.

He was human after all, and that is the whole point, isn’t it? We are all here, helping each other figure it out, blissfully unaware of our magnificence. Hopefully, this Supernova image will give you some idea of your brilliance.

I believe in you. I believe in us. I believe in love.


*Dreamhopper aka DH — a soul who “hops dreams”.

  • *Dreamhopper and I.




Written by Sophia

I write books, blogs, and occasional videos about self-love, sovereignty, off-world contact, truth, life, death & sometimes cats.

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